This transaction will show on your statement as LegacyFx

Govant Building, Kumul Highway, P.O.Box 1276 Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu​
Customer Services: [email protected] tel +41315087455

Use your Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Visa Electron to place direct deposits.(You need to login on the top right hand corner to fund using credit/debit card.)

This transaction will show on your statement as LegacyFx

Govant Building, Kumul Highway, P.O.Box 1276 Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu​
Customer Services: [email protected] tel +41315087455

Use your Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Visa Electron to place direct deposits.(You need to login on the top right hand corner to fund using credit/debit card.)

¡Juntos lideramos - unidos por el éxito!

Estamos orgullosos de patrocinar al club de fútbol profesional español, Real Betis Balompié, con quien compartimos los mismos valores fundamentales y el mismo impulso por el éxito.
