The stocks market is where traders gather to buy and sell some products to benefit from the price differences, like the gold stock market, the silver stock market, the oil stock market, etc. The global currency exchange is one of those stock markets, where different currencies are bought and sold to benefit from the currency price differences.
The global currency exchange is called the foreign exchange, known as Forex (FX), and is also known as the currency market. These names come from historical backgrounds. After World War II, the Bretton agreement was signed in 1947, which included currency assessment by comparing it to the Dollar instead of gold. There was stability in the rates between currencies and the dollars before 1947; therefore, currency trading was not possible due to the absence of noteworthy fluctuations. In 1947, U.S president Richard Nixon decided to untie the connection between the Dollar and other currencies. Since then, the prosperity of the market was created due to fluctuations in currency values. However, it is limited to the biggest banks and investment houses because of the huge amounts needed for trading to benefit from this fluctuation.
Since the beginning of the Internet revolution in the mid-nineties and the development of the leverage and the margin, the currency market expanded and became available even for the small traders. The Forex currency market is currently considered the biggest financial market globally, where the rate of trading reaches three trillion dollars daily.
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Advantages of the Forex
The Forex market is characterized by some features such as:
Around-the-clock activity: The currency market activity is continuous for 24 hours, five days a week. Saturdays and Sundays are off.
High liquidity: The currency market is the biggest trading market in the world, with a trading volume of two thousand billion dollars daily, which means the presence of buyers and sellers round the clock.
Fairness and transparency of the market: The immensity of the currency market and the fact that it is affected only by the official data regarding the biggest countries in the world economically and the officials of these countries, make the currency market the most transparent. There are no secrets or manipulation there.
Benefiting from the rising and falling market: Since currency trading is based upon pairs, if the rate of one currency increases, the rate of the other currency decreases against it, like a balance.
Clarity and limitedness of the market: The number of currencies being traded is minimal. This leads to the concentration on the direction of the rates, and it's easier to keep track of news.
Leverage: the currency market is where the highest leverage exists.
The main currencies: Every country has its own currency, and it is given a special symbol in the global market. This symbol consists of three letters, the first two for the country's global symbol and the last one for the currency.
Currency pairs: Trading in the Forex currency market is based on currency pairs as EUR/USD, where buying and selling processes are done by buying one of these pairs and selling the other against it. The international banks have agreed on arranging the currency symbols in all pairs to unify trading between them. The currency symbol on the first on the left is called the Base currency, and the currency symbol on the right is called the Quote currency, where the price is the paid amount required to get one unit of the Base current. So, when we say GBP/USD, the British pound is put first, so it is the Base current, and that means that the price in the formula is the price required to be paid by the second currency (the American Dollar) to get one unit of the Base current (one British pound)
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